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Swedish Massage Course
Traditional Thai massage adapted with oil techniques

Swedish massage is a massage principle that uses oil to enhance or treat the massage. The massage style is a heavy and fast massage alternating with the use of chopping, pounding, slapping or kneading techniques along the muscles and tendons of the body to relax the muscles and help reduce pain in various areas. Of the body


Start your journey to a stable and progressive career with our Swedish Massage Therapy course. Ask for more information or register today.

Registration fee: 8,025 baht

Duration of study: 3 days

Highlights of the course

  • Makes the body warm, suitable for massage in cold countries.

  • Relieve muscle tension by breaking down muscle knots and adhesions.

  • Make the person being massaged feel relaxed both physically and mentally.

  • The body becomes more flexible, feels less pain, and allows the body to move more easily.

This course is suitable for

  • People who have a routine that requires them to work in one place for a long time or work in repetitive positions.

  • People who have had muscle pain for a long time and have frequent muscle pain.

  • Working age or employees who are at risk of having office syndrome

  • Those interested in opening a Swedish massage business in Thailand and abroad

  • Healthcare professionals who want to expand treatment options

What learners will receive

  • Training in muscle assessment and inspection before and after massage

  • Study of body structure and important muscles in Swedish massage

  • Massage techniques that help relax muscles and reduce tension

  • Learn how to use Swedish massage to treat muscle pain and back pain.

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